Your Skin’s Natural Care Wish List
Take this questionnaire to help you figure out which natural skincare products your skin is matched with based on your personal needs. Your results will be emailed privately to you and provided at the end with recommendations based solely on your responses.
I firmly believe in ONLY utilizing Nature’s Bounty – natural, organic ingredients in my JBHomemade Skin Care Line including organic toners, aloe vera, powders, sugar scrubs and more. For your skin care routine, the more natural the products you are using are, the healthier your skin will be. Natural beauty products leave out the chemicals and give you many added benefits you can’t find in OTC skincare!
Now, we turn the page and see what matches with your real skin’s needs and what you want for beautiful skin. Let’s get into the nitty gritty of it all. We will match your needs to the corresponding related items.
What do yours match up with? Each botanical (herb, plant based, flower) ingredient such as sugar, rose, lemon juice, carrier oil or essential oil used in making these botanical scrubs carry their own individual skin benefits that have been utilized for hundreds of years. When combined with other ingredients, the result is a perfect combination for any skin type, sensitivity, or ailment.
Coming Soon! Take it a step further. Which ingredients match your skin’s needs? I’m working on a new questionnaire similar to the one you see below. It will match you with the ingredients listed on the Botanical Skin Care Ingredients List PDF. For now, if you’d like to research further, go to the list and use CTRL-F (or find on page in your browser’s menu) and type in what you are looking for. For example: CTRL-F ‘acne’ brings me to:
Aloe Vera, Bee Balm, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Green Tea, Cloves, Ginger, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Spinach Powder, Strawberries, thyme, turmeric, sage and citrus zest. And that’s just in Raw Organic Plants in stock category! It is absolutely worth the time and research what you can find that will naturally aid you in your goals long term. Have fun with it! Peace and light ~